Best of Seminary Dropout: Grace Sandra



Back in 2013 I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing writer, blogger, and speaker Grace Sandra.

In the interview we talk about the concept of privilege and racial reconciliation in light of the Gospel. Look to hear more from Grace on Seminary Dropout soon!

Mentioned on the podcast:

Grace’s Blog:

More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel

Being White: Finding Our Place in a Multiethnic World



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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 98: Efrem Smith of World Impact Talks About A Diverse Church and #BLACKLIVESMATTER

Seminary Dropout 89: Carolyn Custis James, Author of Malestrom: Manhood Swept Into the Currents of a Changing World


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Seminary Dropout 104: Sarah Bessey On Her New Book ‘Out of Sorts’


Sarah Bessey is the author of Jesus Feminist, an award-winning blogger at, and a passionate advocate for global women’s issues. She partners with the Help One Now ministry in Haiti and lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, Brian, and their three four children.

In Out of Sorts, Sarah Bessey—award-winning blogger and author of Jesus Feminist, which was hailed as “lucid, compelling, and beautifully written” (Frank Viola, author of God’s Favorite Place on Earth)—helps us grapple with core Christian issues using a mixture of beautiful storytelling and biblical teaching, a style well described as “narrative theology.”

As she candidly shares her wrestlings with core issues—such as who Jesus is, what place the Church has in our lives, how to disagree yet remain within a community, and how to love the Bible for what it is rather than what we want it to be—she teaches us how to walk courageously through our own tough questions.

In the process of gently helping us sort things out, Bessey teaches us how to be as comfortable with uncertainty as we are with solid answers. And as we learn to hold questions in one hand and answers in the other, we discover new depths of faith that will remain secure even through the storms of life. -From the Publisher

Discussed in the interview…

… Sarah’s early faith.

…what Sarah learned about community from being out of sorts.

…how being out of sorts affects the way she’ll teach her kids about Jesus and Christianity.

…first naivete, the desert, and the second naivete.


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 100: Jo Saxton on Post-Christiandom, Discipleship, and Being a Woman of Color in Church Leadership

Seminary Dropout 96: Jen Hatmaker, America’s BFF Talks about Aging, Raising Kids, & Jesus in Her New Book ‘For the Love’


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Best of Seminary Dropout: Shane Claiborne


I was honored to talk to Shane Claiborne in 2013. We talked about the book he had just co-written with previous SD guest Tony Campolo, Red Letter Revolution.

Discussed in the interview:

  • What if Jesus meant the stuff he said?
  • Christians aren’t known for the fruits of the spirit.
  • Bad theology gets people killed.
  • Beginning with a posture of humility.
  • Our obsession with safety.
  • Selling what we have and giving it to the poor.
  • War & violence.


Be sure to pick up Red Letter Revolution wherever books are sold. You can also find out more about Shane at


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 98: Efrem Smith of World Impact Talks About A Diverse Church and #BLACKLIVESMATTER

Seminary Dropout 72: Scot McKnight, Author of Kingdom Conspiracy


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Seminary Dropout 103: Jefferson Bethke of Youtube Fame & Author of ‘It’s Not What You Think’


You probably know Jefferson Bethke from his internet-exploding Youtube video ‘Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus’.

You probably don’t know that Jefferson was born in Tacoma, WA, played baseball in college, and co-owns a company called Claro Candles that gives profits to different areas of injustice around the world. He’s also an author. 

It’s Not What You Think: Why Christianity Is About So Much More Than Going to Heaven When You Die is Jefferson’s latest book.

Jesus was most upset at people for seeing but not seeing. For missing it. For succumbing to the danger and idolatry of forcing God into preconceived ideals. What if there were a better way? What if Jesus came not to help people escape the world but rather to restore it? Best-selling author and spoken word artist Jefferson Bethke says that “Christians have the greatest story ever told but we aren’t telling it.” So in this new book, Bethke tells that story anew, presenting God’s truths from the Old and the New Testaments as the challenging and compelling story that it is—a grand narrative with God at the center. And in doing so, Bethke reminds readers of the life-changing message of Jesus that turned the world upside-down, a world that God is putting back together. – From the Publisher

Some things discussed in the show…

…growing up with a single mother.

…getting into spoken word.

… Why I Hate Religion But Love Jesus getting 1.6 million views in the first 24 hours and 16 million in 2 weeks.

…how the video was widely received as a positive thing, but anything something grabs the people’s attention on that level there will be a rush of very conservative and very progressive bloggers and personalities telling us all how they’re smart enough to see that there’s actually something wrong with that thing.

…the common thread in Jefferson’s work.

…one of the great quotes in the book:
“…at what point is a religion only wrong in a few areas but still the same belief system, and at what point is a religion so unrecognizable to it’s founders they’d call it a different religion entirely? Have we reached that point in western Christianity?”

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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 97: Jon Foreman on His Solo work, Switchfoot, and Fatherhood

Seminary Dropout 81: Scott Sauls, Author of ‘Jesus Outside the Lines’


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Seminary Dropout 102: Jeremy Jernigan, Author of Redeeming Pleasure

Jeremy Jernigan serves as the Executive Pastor of Creative Arts and Student Ministry at Central Christian Church in Arizona. He’s a second-generation preacher with a passion for discovering and communicating truth. Jeremy has been married to Michelle for about a decade now and they have four kids named Gavin, Madsen, Adelyn, and a little foster child he can only refer to as “A” (for legal purposes).

You can connect with Jeremy on his Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram accounts.

Redeeming Pleasure: How the Pursuit of Pleasure Mirrors Our Hunger for God

Pleasure. We hear about it, we think about it, and we look for it. Constantly. But why do so few of us ever seem to really experience it? Is it possible to satisfy our deepest cravings for lasting satisfaction? The answer is yes! But it might surprise you as to why. Author Jeremy Jernigan takes readers back to the very beginning and to the root of God’s intention for pleasure. Through personal stories, practical insights, and a depth of wisdom culled from thinkers both ancient and modern, Jernigan reimagines pleasure and unmasks its deceptive allure. -From the Publisher

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Our Beloved Sponsor

Remember to support our  sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

Two books I’ve been reading from GSET are Forgotten Gospel & Decoding Nicea.


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 82: Jen Pollock Michel, Author of ‘Teach Us to Want’

Seminary Dropout 101: Max Lucado talking Glory Days


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Seminary Dropout 101: Max Lucado talking Glory Days


My guest today is Max Lucado. More than 120 million readers have found inspiration and encouragement in the writings of Max.  He lives with his wife, Denalyn, in San Antonio, where he serves the people of Oak Hills Church.

Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now

The wilderness. Maybe you know it well.

The Israelites sure did. After all, they spent forty years wandering the desert. Victories were scarce. Progress was slow. They were free from Pharaoh but not free from fear. Saved but stuck.

Sounds a lot like midlife misery. Caught in a rut. Stalled out. Running on empty. Are you mired in the same?

You can name the day you became a Christian and escaped Egypt. But you can’t remember the last time you defeated a temptation or experienced an answered prayer. You’re fighting the same battles you fought the day you came to Christ. You’re out of Egypt, but Egypt’s not out of you.

Isn’t the Christian life supposed to be better than this?

Jesus offers abundant joy. Yet you live with oppressive grief. The epistles speak of grace. You shoulder guilt. You are more than a conqueror yet are commonly conquered by temptation or weaknesses.

But there’s good news. With God’s help you can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be. Like Joshua and the Israelites, you can move from a wilderness existence into a promised inheritance.

This is God’s vision for your life. You, at full throttle. You, as you were intended. You, as victor over the Jerichos and giants. You, minus the stumbles, hurts, and hate.

You and your Promised Land life.

New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado invites readers to leave the wilderness and discover a life defined by grace, refined by challenge, and aligned with a heavenly call. By studying the life of Joshua and the biblical book that bears his name, Lucado reveals God’s promises for every step and reminds readers that God still fights for them. -From the Publisher


Some things discussed on the show…

…why is Joshua so fascinating to Max.

…an overview of what happens in the book of Joshua.

…times in Max’s life when he doubted and was in the wilderness.

…the comfort found in scripture.

..the difference between Glory Days, and what is found in self help books.

…the responsibility of those living in the glory days.


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Our Beloved Sponsor

Remember to support our  sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

Two books I’ve been reading from GSET are Forgotten Gospel & Decoding Nicea.


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 96: Jen Hatmaker, America’s BFF Talks about Aging, Raising Kids, & Jesus in Her New Book ‘For the Love’

Seminary Dropout 84: NT Wright


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Seminary Dropout 100: Jo Saxton on Post-Christendom, Discipleship, and Being a Woman of Color in Church Leadership


Jo Saxton is a director of 3DM , a movement/organization  helping church leaders make discipleship and mission the heartbeat of the local church. Jo was also  leader within The Order of Mission (TOM) , a global community of missional leaders. Jo also writes, her books include More Than Enchanting: Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World, and Real God, Real Life: Finding a Spirituality That Works.

Jo along with her husband Chris are a pastors at Mission Point Church in Minneapolis.

Some things discussed on the show…

growing up in foster care.

…coming to know God in a church that ministered in practical ways in the inner city.

…being the chair of the Board for 3DMovements.

…Jo’s role at Mission Point Church.

…Jo’s gift of preaching. 

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 5.17.22 PM

Our Beloved Sponsor

Remember to support our  sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

Two books I’ve been reading from GSET are Forgotten Gospel & Decoding Nicea.


Want to start a podcast but don’t know how?! My e-course will teach you everything you need to know. To get a free lesson and register click here. Use promo code SEMINARYDROPOUT to get 25% off.


If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 95: Lisa Harper, Author of Believing Jesus

Seminary Dropout 37: Christena Cleveland, Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart


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Seminary Dropout 99: Jackie Roese on Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church


Dr. Jackie Roese grew up in upstate New York in a non-christian family. She received her Doctorate in Preaching from Gordon Conwell Seminary in 2010. She has written fifteen Bible studies and is willing to push us to MORE. Jackie translates the Bible with direct application to our everyday lives.

Jackie’s newest book is Lime Green: Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church.

Each of us, in our own shade of color, says something unique about who God is to the world around us. God didn’t give specific colors to specific genders. It’s one big color wheel, and gender isn’t in the equation. How does our embracing our authentic color – unapologetically who we are – controlled by the Spirit, impact our view of women in conservative faith communities? Lime Green helps answer that questions. This a story about Jackie Roese, a clueless farm girl who stumbled into vocational Christian work. Jackie bumped into walls, crossed invisible lines, and ultimately reshaped her view of women-and her church’s view, too. This book doesn’t make the case for women to preach or lead in the church. Rather, it shares this is one woman’s story of stumbling and bumping to reveal a way, a path with all its rocks, hills, and smooth road, to help others find their footing in reshaping the way we view women in the Church. Every follower of Christ is given gifts by the Holy Spirit for the building up of the church. And the same gifts are given to both men and women. Jackie Roese is a gifted leader and teacher who has an important story to tell about finding her gifts and using them for the building up of the body of Christ. In this book Jackie tells her story with characteristic courage and candor. It’s an important story that will challenge and inspire anyone who reads it. -From the Publisher


Our Beloved Sponsor

I’m very excited to announce to you our newest sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

One book from GSET that you’ll be interested in is Forgotten Gospel.


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 89: Carolyn Custis James, Author of Malestrom: Manhood Swept Into the Currents of a Changing World

Seminary Dropout 71: Natasha Sistrunk Robinson on Jesus, Leadership, and Race


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Seminary Dropout 98: Efrem Smith of World Impact Talks About A Diverse Church and #BLACKLIVESMATTER


Efrem Smith is an internationally recognized leader who uses motivational speaking and preaching to equip people for a life of transformation. He also consults on issues of multi-ethnicity, leadership, and community development for churches, educational institutions, and other organizations.

Efrem has held positions with church and Para church organizations as well as community foundations. He has also served as Founding Pastor of The Sanctuary Covenant Church and President of The Sanctuary Community Development Corporation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Currently, he serves as the President and CEO of World Impact, a urban missions organization committed to the empowerment of the urban poor through the facilitation of church planting movements and leadership development. He is the author of the books, “Raising-up Young Heroes”, “The Hip Hop Church”, “Jump”, and “The Post-Black and Post-White Church.”

Efrem is married to Donecia and has two daughters; Jaeda and Mireya.

Some things discussed in the show…

…in The Post-Black and Post-White Church, Efrem uses the example of Jesus to develop a theology of multi-ethnic and missional leadership. What does the example of Jesus teach us about multi-ethnic and missional leadership?

…ways that homogenous churches can become multi-ethnic.

….what it means to “recognizing the race matrix of Black and White that has held the Church captive and break free”.

…Efrem wrote a piece recently on your blog about a situation in which you wrote the #BlackChurchesMatter, and some responded saying #AllChurchesMatter, which is a parallel to the #blacklivesmatter vs #alllivesmatter false dichotomy. Efrem went on to make a Biblical case for saying black lives and black churches matter and talks that through on the show.

…the work of World Impact and Efrem’s role there.

Our Beloved Sponsor

I’m very excited to announce to you our newest sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

One book from GSET that you’ll be interested in is Forgotten Gospel.


Want to start a podcast but don’t know how?! My e-course will teach you everything you need to know. To get a free lesson and register click here. Use promo code SEMINARYDROPOUT to get 25% off.


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Seminary Dropout 75: Leroy Barber, Author of Red, Brown, Yellow, Black, White—Who’s More Precious In God’s Sight?

Seminary Dropout 66: Austin Channing Brown, Exploring Civil Rights Sites, Sacrificing a Dream Home, & the Role of the Church


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Seminary Dropout 97: Jon Foreman on His Solo work, Switchfoot, and Fatherhood

jon foreman

Yesterday I got to sit down with Jon Foreman before his show outside of Austin, TX. You might know Jon from his solo work but you definitely know him as the lead singer of Switchfoot.


Some things discussed on the show…

…Jon’s current project – 24 songs, 24 producers, 24 shows in 24 hours.

…the role of those 24 producers.

…writing the songs for The Wonderlands over a 10 year period.

…what John Perkins has meant to Jon.

…how having a child changed things for Jon.

Jon is currently on tour. Check out the dates and buy tickets here.

Our Beloved Sponsor

I’m very excited to announce to you our newest womans health sponsor: Greatest Stories Ever Told. GSET is an independent publisher.

One book from GSET that you’ll be interested in is Decoding Nicea.

In patients on intermittent hemodialysis, the dose would be recommended as the same as the dose for patients with creatinine clearance <15 ml/min. In this case, the drug dosage should be determined after the hemodialysis has been performed. Read more on


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If you liked this episode then you might also like…

Seminary Dropout 82: Jen Pollock Michel, Author of ‘Teach Us to Want’

Seminary Dropout 70: Donald Miller


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