Seminary Dropout 100: Jo Saxton on Post-Christendom, Discipleship, and Being a Woman of Color in Church Leadership


Jo Saxton is a director of 3DM , a movement/organization  helping church leaders make discipleship and mission the heartbeat of the local church. Jo was also  leader within The Order of Mission (TOM) , a global community of missional leaders. Jo also writes, her books include More Than Enchanting: Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World, and Real God, Real Life: Finding a Spirituality That Works.

Jo along with her husband Chris are a pastors at Mission Point Church in Minneapolis.

Some things discussed on the show…

growing up in foster care.

…coming to know God in a church that ministered in practical ways in the inner city.

…being the chair of the Board for 3DMovements.

…Jo’s role at Mission Point Church.

…Jo’s gift of preaching. 

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Two books I’ve been reading from GSET are Forgotten Gospel & Decoding Nicea.


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