Seminary Dropout 68: Jordan Seng, Author of ‘Miracle Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Supernatural Ministries


Joining me on the show today is Jordan Seng. Jordan is pastor of Bluewater Mission in Honolulu, Hawaii, and a speaker on issues related to healing & prophetic ministry, church planting and missions, worship, and small groups.


Jordan’s book is ‘Miracle Work: A Down-to-Earth Guide to Supernatural Ministries.

From the interview:

  • How did you come to experience supernatural ministries in your life?
    It happened frequently in college. The real story is this. I grew up as a believer not in a believing family, not in a church going family. I actually had some babysitter introduce me to Lord, when I was quite small and my family moved around a ton when I was a kid. We were actually running from the law and hiding under assumed names which is another story. But one thing was I didn’t get much church community and church acculturation. My view of collective Christianity came just from reading bible stories. So when Jesus called his followers, as I saw his helpers to do ministry, it always had a huge supernatural component preaching that the kingdom of God is here. In other words they should make stuff happen, and then heal the sick, heal the blind, cast out demons. I just thought that was the way it worked. So, I was open to supernatural experiences from a very young age, and had some from a very young age. I also assumed God speaks directly to his followers, and so I began having dreams and listening in my little prayers. And then, when I got to college that was the first time I really got the privilege of having fellowship in any way. I eventually stumbled into church that was doing some supernatural ministry.


  • Why is it not that we can’t YouTube miracles and see somebody genuinely healed or start walking or something like that? Why don’t we see it where we are today?
    Christian history so thoroughly peppered with miracle stories. So that was a tension for me. It doesn’t seem that the people around me are doing this stuff, but everything I read tells me how important it is. So what’s the deal? Why miracles are seen plentiful in history and but not plentiful in places that I frequent. That was actually an important question for me when I started learning about supernatural ministries. What I discovered and is my take on it, is that supernatural ministry is hard to deal with. It takes sacrifice, it takes commitment in a way natural ministries do not. So what we see in church history breakout and miracle seasons or sometime you see as revivals and then fade out. Miracles have never been absent from the church. But they have never been universal among churches either and has always been a little bit here, a little then, a little now and my explanation of the variability has to do with the effort required not only just to get into supernatural ministry but to sustain it over time. I call it miracle work because it turns out the miracles actually take work. But you want people to invest sacrificially and tell them to be supernatural people, which is really unpopular today. What we like is very reasonable spirituality that is not too humiliating. Miracles have never been absent and I think a person is dedicated to searching out supernatural Christians, will always find them. And in fact if you google, YouTube miracles you can find videos of people getting healed. Somebody send me a YouTube link from ministers that I trust and they are to be trust worthy.


  • If you Wikipedia ‘Ouija Board’ those things have been tested out in scientific laboratories. Why has the scientific community not investigated prayer and healing?
    What I find is that a scientific community occasionally investigates but not very well. The example a lot people know about is has to do with efficacy of prayer for hospital patients. There is a new study. Which uses a double blind study, where a hospital patients are selected to be prayed for. And you have prayer groups that pray for them anonymously. The scientific investigators investigate outcomes if prayers has improved human health, and actually the result of the studies are very impressive to neutral. My gripe with those studies is that they are not actually measuring supernatural study as Jesus demonstrated or taught. There is no quality control on people trained. The law of faith plays the large part in the success of miracles, we see that in Jesus stories. Faith moments count.


  • Interestingly, the majority of those suffering from such pathology perfectly understand the causelessness of their fears. However, they can’t improve their condition on their own. Phobias can have very real manifestations: a sharp increase in heart rate, leading to shortness of breath, respiratory failure perspiration, chills, frequent changes in skin color: from bright red to cyanotic-pale, speech impairment and stupor. Read more about the drug on


  • What does participating in supernatural ministries do in the life of a believer?
    Sometime people who chase super natural experience can get wrapped up in emotionalism but people who do super natural ministry they try to use supernatural power to help other people, to heal people, to free people from other demonic depression.
    Supernatural Christians are world changers and if you don’t teach people and demonstrate they can do the impossible they will be hesitant.


  • “Faith makes miracles more likely. Faith is environmental. Testimony is great way to increase faith and built the sense of expectation and to change the impossible into the possible. Faith is extremely powerful. “


  • “One of the thing we need to recognize about the universe is that God partners with us to get things done. This is just a key principle of reality in kingdom of God, and we understand that about all ministries we consider normal.”


  • “To do supernatural ministry is other worldly. We have to come up against a lot of friction to do it, we become very odd people. Supernatural power within us tends to be sacrificial and it also requires a lot from our life to do it powerfully and to sustain it for a long period of time.”


  • If someones doesn’t have a background doing supernatural ministry where can they start?
    There are so many resources available. Tons of online resources. What I would encourage you do to more than anything is to TRY. One practical bit of advice to churches to groups of people, I will encourage you start small until you get testimonies. So you have a small group that does healing ministry. And once they get healing stories then you can do a congregational service. Start small, get a few stories and then go big.


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Seminary Dropout 67: Jesse Carey of Relevant Magazine & Podcast



If you’ve read Relevant Magazine you’ve probably read something written by Jesse Carey and if you’ve listened to the Relevant Podcast you’ve laughed out loud at something he’s said.

Jesse joins me to talk about said magazine and podcast, also journalism, and being star struck when he met Lebowski himself, Jeff Bridges.


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Seminary Dropout 57: JR. Briggs, Author of ‘FAIL: Finding Hope & Grace in the Midst of Ministry Failure’


J.R. Briggs serves as Cultural Cultivator of The Renew Community a Jesus community for skeptics and dreamers in Lansdale, PA – a suburb of Philadelphia, which he helped start. He is the founder and director of Kairos Partnerships an initiative that partners with leaders, pastors and church planters during significant kairos moments in ministry. As part of his time with Kairos Partnerships, he serves on staff with The Ecclesia Network and Fresh Expressions U.S. In addition to these responsibilities he speaks regularly, writes, coaches pastors and church planters and consults with Christian colleges, non-profits, mission agencies, churches and other Christian organizations.

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“J.R. Briggs has something to say to pastors about our American obsession with ‘success.’ He holds to the Jesus-endorsed notion that those in ministry are called to faithfulness, not success, and that sometimes faithfulness takes the peculiar form of failure. Fail dares to tell the truth and will bring much-needed clarity and comfort to a multitude of ministers who, though faithful, have drunk from the bitter cup of failure.” -Brian Zahnd




One announcement I forgot: Father Factor: American Christian Men on Fatherhood and Faith
will be available in 4 days!


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Seminary Dropout 50: Margot Starbuck on God, Writing & Public Speaking

Margot Starbuck

Throughout the years Margot Starbuck has worn many hats, she’s been a chaplain to people with intellectual and physical disabilities, she painted and sold plungers, she’s swam next to a guy with epilepsy so he wouldn’t drown. I did say she wore many hats.
Today you probably know her from one or more of her many books, her contributions to publications like Today’s Christian Woman or Red Letter Christianity, or maybe you’ve heard her one of her many speaking engagements. Margot speaks about God’s love with fresh honesty, love and compassion.


Some memorable moments from the show:

I think a lot of us are walking around just slathered in shame. Tweet: 'I think a lot of us are walking around just slathered in shame' -Margot Starbuck

#AdultsDontThinkLittleKidsCanWalkBigDogsButTheyTotallyCanTweet: #AdultsDontThinkLittleKidsCanWalkBigDogsButTheyTotallyCan

Karate belts & ribbon cost money, words are free.Tweet: 'Karate belts & ribbon cost money, words are free.'

Margot’s latest book is Not Who I Imagined: Surprised by a Loving God.

From our earliest days we long for love and acceptance. First from our parents, blood pressure then from peers, and eventually from romantic interests. We look into their faces, searching for a smile, a look that says, I love you exactly as you are. Don’t change. We long for the same gracious acceptance from God. But despite the Christian gospel of unearned grace and unconditional love, too many of us feel as though we’re still not quite good enough as we are. We can’t believe that God accepts us. And often this is because those who represent God to us on earth–our parents, other Christians–have not looked upon us as we are with expressions of unrelenting love. -Publishers Description-

Remember our current twitter campaign:

Hey @JenHatmaker, I’d love to hear you on Seminary Dropout! #JenOnSDTweet: Hey @JenHatmaker, I'd love to hear you on Seminary Dropout! #JenOnSD

 Are you coming to the Seminary Dropout Google Hangout tonight (8/20/14) at 7pm CST?
RSVP or just show up here.


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Seminary Dropout 49: Michael Leary talking Mad Men & the Psalms

Michael Leary, is an Adjunct Instructor of Religious Studies at Fontbonne University as well as being a lecturer at Emmaus Bible College in Sydney, Australia, so naturally I have him here on the show to talk about AMC’s television show Mad Men.



Michael writes for the website Filmwell and recently wrote a few pieces on the biblical imagery in Mad Men. My friends know that I love Mad Men, and want nothing more but to constantly talk about Mad Men all day everyday, especially as it relates to the gospel and redemption. If your not a viewer of the show then I think there’s still something in the show for you, but be warned, there are spoilers in this episode.


I forgot to mention it in the podcast, but remember our current twitter campaign that we launched in last weeks episode. #JenOnSD

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Seminary Dropout 45: Kerry Weber, Author of ‘Mercy in the City’

kerry weberKerry Weber is a Mercy Associate and Managing Editor of America magazine. She is an alumna of the Mercy Volunteer Corps and of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She lives in New York City.

The Corporal Works of Mercy are 7 acts. Six come from Matthew 25:34-40 and the final one comes from the Book of Tobit.

1. To feed the hungry.
2. To give drink to the thirsty.
3. To clothe the naked.
4. To harbour the harbourless.
5. To visit the sick.
6. To visit the imprisoned.
7. To bury the dead.

Kerry had an apiphany when she realized she never did any of these things. Then, she set out to change that.


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Mercy In The City is Kerry’s real life tale of loving God by serving the homeless, meeting with those in prison, giving away clothing, and more. Oh yeah, and the entire time she also gave up sugar and alcohol!! It’s fun, honest, and most of all heartfelt.

Be sure to check out

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Seminary Dropout 31: Halee Gray Scott on Women in Christian Leadership

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haleegrayscottMy guest today is Halee Gray Scott (PhD). Halee is an author, scholar, and global leadership consultant. Her writings appeared in Christianity Today, Christian Education Journal, Real Clear Religion, and Relevant. You can find her on her blog at and on twitter.



Halee’s new book is called Dare Mighty Things: Mapping the Challenges of Leadership for Christian Women

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Seminary Dropout 026: Kurt Willems

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kurtwillems picPastor & blogger Kurt Willems joins me on the show today. Kurt has a hugely popular blog called The Pangea Blog, in which he discusses ministry, theology, and culture from an Anabaptist perspective.

Kurt and I discuss his spiritual background, the growing pains of an evolving faith, non-violence, and  more.

Currently, Kurt is planting a church in Seattle, antiviral Washington called Pangea Communities. For more info on the church, Kurt, and his blog, check out the links below.

Twitter: @KurtWillems

Pangea Communities

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New Seminary Dropout Interviews, Readers’ Choice. (Nominate & Vote)

32 items   3 followers   118 votes   3.7k views

Who do you most want to hear interviewed on Seminary Dropout?

It's time for another round of interviews for Seminary Dropout. Who do you most want to hear? Have a favorite Jesus following musician, writer, or thinker? Add a name to the list and be sure to include a link. If you have twitter, after you vote, tweet "Hey (tag person) you should give an interview on SeminaryDropout[dot]com with @beardonabike"

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My Next Interview (Hint: It’s With Richard Foster)

You may have seen my tweet yesterday…



The next interview I’ll be conducting is with non other than….






Richard Foster

Dr. Foster has written several books including one that has probably had more influence on my (and many others) spiritual life than any other book…

celebration of discipline


…plus many others that have had a great impact on me, but we’ll talk about those later.

Dr. Foster has been generous enough to agree to an interview and obviously I’m a little excited. This is where you come in…

Do you have a question for Dr. Foster?

If you do, leave it in the comment section or send it to me in an email if you’d rather.