Seminary Dropout 84: NT Wright

NT WrightHave you heard of N.T. Wright? You know, one of the leading New Testament scholars in the world. Yeah, that N.T. Wright. The former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England. He now serves as the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews. For twenty years he taught New Testament studies at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities. As being both one of the world’s leading Bible scholars and a popular author, he has been featured on ABC News, Dateline, The Colbert Report, and Fresh Air.

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Out of his own commitment to both historical scholarship and Christian ministry, Wright challenges us to roll up our sleeves and take seriously the study of the historical Jesus. He writes, “Many Christians have been, frankly, sloppy in their thinking and talking about Jesus, and hence, sadly, in their praying and in their practice of discipleship. We cannot assume that by saying the word Jesus, still less the word Christ, we are automatically in touch with the real Jesus who walked and talked in first-century Palestine. . . . Only by hard, historical work can we move toward a fuller comprehension of what the Gospels themselves were trying to say.” The Challenge of Jesus poses a double-edged challenge: to grow in our understanding of the historical Jesus within the Palestinian world of the first century, and to follow Jesus more faithfully into the postmodern world of the twenty-first century. – From the Publisher

Some things discussed on the show…

…associating Reformed theology with people like John Piper, Tim Keller, and others with similar theology, and that sometimes causes confusion to know that Wright sees much of his own views in line with reformed tradition, when it seems like his tone is much different that those people just mentioned.

…how do we know that God intended for his authority to be given through scripture. In other words how do we know that some day we’re not going to stand before God with him saying
‘Hey the Bible was just words that were written several thousands years ago by people who were just describing their experiences with me the best they can but it wasn’t suppose to be anything more to you than inspirational and a lose guide’ ?

….in the new introduction The Challenge of Jesus, Wright spent some time talking about the idea that he originally wrote TCoJ on the other side Sept 11, 2001. In what ways Wright thinks that changes our perspective on the words he wrote in TCoJ?

…what view the reformation brought of Jesus that was a change from the old view.

…what view the enlightenment brought.

…the historocity of Jesus and how the oral tradition worked.

…the parable of the sower in Mark 4:1-20. What we usually miss by not paying attention to Jesus’ Jewish roots.

…how all of this relates to the Christian task and vision today.


If you’re interested in advertising your non-profit, conference, or other endeavor send me an email at shane[at]

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More Than “If you were to die tonight, do you know if you would go to Heaven or Hell?”

“The question ought to be, How will Gods new creation come? and then, How will we humans contribute to that renewal of creation and to the fresh projects that the creator God will launch in his new world? The choice before humans would then be framed differently: are you going to worship the creator God and discover thereby what it means to become fully and gloriously human, reflecting his powerful, healing, transformative love into the world? Or are you going to worship the world as it is, boosting your corruptible humanness by gaining power or pleasure from the forces within the world but merely contribute thereby to your own dehumanization and the further corruption of the world  itself?”

-NT Wright, Surprised By Hope

Top 10 Things of 2012

Are you ready for the strangest top 10 list you’ve read so far? Here it is my top 10 of 2012!

10. Batman
Did you think this was going to be an overly spiritual list? Thought this was going to be full of prayer books and wwjd bracelets (I’m behind on my Christian pop culture)? Think again.

The Dark Knight Rises was just ok, but I’m talking about the comic. Since the relaunch (if you don’t know, then don’t worry about it), Batman has had a solid story line.


9. Coffee
Still holding strong in my heart, Coffee you’re a swell fella. You wake me up and sometimes make me a bit jittery, but I still love you old friend.

8. Breaking Bad, Mad Men, & 30 Rock
A 3 way tie. Here’s a spoiler free rundown: Can you believe Walter White did that thing to that person?! I know right!

Did you get used to Don being a mostly stand-up guy during this last season? Afraid it’s not going to last? Yeah, me too.

Sad that it’s almost the end of the funniest show still airing?  Yeah, me too.

7. NT Wright videos on youtube
Oh seriously they’re the best. Want some wisdom but can’t read an entire book during your lunch break. Go to youtube, search NT Wright and absorb.

6. Mr. Rogers & Me
What a find. I have a feeling that this is a mostly undiscovered gem.
For those like myself who grew up with Mr. Rogers this is a must see. The stories here are unbelievable  Mr. Rogers was truly the same guy we say on TV every weekday. It was great to learn a little more about Rogers spirituality too. I cry about arthritis once a year (slight exaggeration , and this was my one.


5. Beard Shampoo
Hat’s off to you beard shampoo. While the other gents are using the stuff meant for hair on top of their heads, you were made just for the ole face broom (just made up the term: face broom©).

4. This photo of me throwing a water balloon at Kate, with no commentary.


I don’t know when Greg Boyd sleeps, but when he’s awake he and his team are producing wonderful content on this site.

2. Neighbors & Wise Men
Tony (the beat poet) Kriz, has published this wonderful work. Full of stories that will make you laugh and cry, sometimes on the same page. I haven’t had this much fun reading a book in a long time.


1. You! 
Cop out? Nah, this year I’ve had the most fun time interacting with you both here on the blog, facebook, twitter, and itunes.
I’m excited about what the new year will bring. One major change will be a revamp of the blog. A new theme will bring with it a new look and feel that will be more intuitive and make it easier for you to interact here.
I plan on having more guest blogs as well. If you’re interested in guest blogging feel free to email me your post. The only guidelines are to have approximately the same tone and length as the previous posts on the blog.
I can’t make any promises but I’m working on getting some BIG names on Seminary Dropout. As always feel free to email me with suggestions for guests.
Thanks again for a wonderful year and I look forward to the next one!