Top 10 Seminary Dropout Episodes

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I thought it would be a good idea to have a page to send new listeners to Seminary Dropout.

We’re rapidly approaching 100 episodes which might seem daunting to someone just now finding the podcast. This list can be a good starting point after the current episode.

I find that many people discover Seminary Dropout because I interview someone they’re really into, and after hearing that episode they check out the back catalogue. If you’ve listened to all the interviews of people you know, then this list is a good place to start. After that, just keep up from week to week. The next thing you know, you’ll be a Seminary Dropout-ologist.

I’ll update this list when I need to so hopefully it will always be accurate.

1. Episode 17: Jamie Wright

2. Episode 12: Derek Webb

3. Episode 1: Tony Kriz

4. Episode 6: Shane Claiborne

5. Episode 3: Tony Campolo

6. Episode 11: Richard Foster

7. Episode54: Walter Brueggemann

8. Episode 27: Greg Boyd

9. Episode 48: WM Paul Young

10. Episode 4: Roger Olson


The Pretty Big Book Giveaway!

UPDATE: And the winner is… Adam Lorenz!!!


As a podcaster and blogger I receive TONS of books in the mail. Most are review copies I’ve requested for possible interviews, and some are just books publishers are promoting. Also, as a podcaster and blogger, I have a small mans health house, and those books are taking over. Thus, it’s contest time. I’m not saying it’s a ginormous book giveaway, but it’s a pretty big book giveaway. These are quality books too. Most are brand new, but a few have some markings and illegible notes in them I made while reading. I wish I could keep them all but ya know, the small house thing.

One lucky winner will received all 9 books shown below. This is over a $125 value!

To enter simply subscribe to Seminary Dropout in iTunes, and leave a comment, any comment, in the comments section below. Remember, you must subscribe to Seminary Dropout in iTunes AND leave a comment. I thought about requiring a screen shot showing your subscription, but that’s too much work so subscribing is on the honor system. Yes, you could cheat the system to win a bunch of books about Jesus, but… seriously?!

Ok good luck! Entries will be accepted until Thursday the 22nd at midnight. I’ll announce the winner here next Friday.

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Top Books of 2013

A more accurate title would be “Top Books I’ve Read in 2013”, because this is solely based on my opinion, and because my criteria was that I had to have read it this year, but all of the books were not necessarily released this year. Also, it’s important to note that, yes, most of these books were written by Seminary Dropout guests, which may seem self serving, but honestly just reading the books of SD guests (which I must do to conduct the best interviews possible), leaves me little additional time for reading anything else.

Eight books made the list. I realize that eight is an odd number for this sort of list, but I felt that it would be better to leave it at eight, rather than round it up to ten and fill it in with books that, while good, may not be “Top Books”.

Now, on to the good stuff…

8. Prodigal Christianity: 10 Signposts into the Missional Frontier by David Fitch & Geoff Holsclaw


Written by David Fitch & Geoff Holsclaw, both pastors at Life on the Vine in the suburbs of Chicago, and Seminary Professors at Northern Seminary. Prodigal Christianity is a playbook of sorts for those practicing ministry in the middle. If the liberal and conservative extremes just don’t fit for you, then this is required reading.
PC takes years of Fitch’s accumulated notes (both written and mental) on ministry and church that have informed his ways of doing ministry with added input by Holsclaw.
My interview with David & Geoff.

7. Prototype: What Happens When You Discover You’re More Like Jesus Than You Think? by Jonathan Martin

prototype bookThe thing I remember most about my interview with Prototype author Jonathan Martin earlier this year, was that I remember feeling that I was conversing with a true pastor, a shepherd. Some have this gift, but most don’t, the ability to make others feel loved and cared for in the tone of your voice. Somehow Martin conveys this in the written words in his book. Prototype isn’t one of those –who care’s if you sin, it’s no big deal because grace, type books, instead Prototype invites the reader to really imagine that God is for them not against them. That the mere act of believing that God delights in you, is revolutionary in the life of the believer. Find your “boy on the bike”.
My interview with Jonathan.

6. The Question That Never Goes Away by Philip Yancey


A friend recently told me was having a hard time getting through this book. He’s reads a lot, and the book isn’t long. The reason he was finding it difficult to finish in a few sittings is due to Philip Yancey’s unrelenting desire to tell the truth. Many attempts to deal with the problem of evil have a few fatal errors, one is the saying that maybe the suffering isn’t so bad, the other is saying that maybe God’s causing the suffering for his glory. Yancey will have none of it. Building on what he’s already written in Where is God When it Hurts, and Dissappointment with God, Yancey takes his exploration to the field, recounting his experiences visiting the aftermath of the shootings in Newtown, Fukushima, and sites of other disasters. In Yancey’s usual style he stays away from systematic theology opting instead to deal with scripture on it’s own terms.
My interview with Philip.

 5. Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty by Greg Boyd


It’s not a huge secret that I’m a huge fan of the words of Greg Boyd, and with Benefit of a Doubt, Boyd outdoes himself yet again. I honestly thought this was going a be a well written “it’s ok to doubt” books, with some good points. But Boyd was serious when he titled it Benefit of a Doubt. Boyd skillfully breaks down the futility of the psychological trick many employ to have more faith, while exposing the anti-intellectualism that often comes from the belief that doubt is the worst thing the world, and a slippery slope into walking away from faith all together. He shows that having a more skeptical and critical thinking mind is not sinful, but a gift from God and that this natural doubt that comes out of it can serve to deepen our understanding about who God is and actually deepen our faith (wishing there were a less cliche way of saying ‘deepen our faith’).
FYI- look for an episode of Seminary Dropout featuring Greg Boyd soon!

 4. Jesus Feminist: An Invitation to Revisit the Bible’s View of Women by Sarah Bessey


This book was long over due. Jesus Feminist is not an exhaustive apologetic for women having an equal voice in church and at home, it’s better. Jesus Feminist is writer Sarah Bessey’s account of a life on both sides of these issues. How the entire body of believers suffers when women are silenced and the beauty of that body when women are empowered. From opening Sarah disarms any readers that might be uncomfortable with the concept of Christian Feminism. Sarah isn’t so much concerned about labels as she is Christians following the example of Jesus of empowering women as well as interpreting the words of Paul correctly. Readers of Bessey’s blog know that she’s a superb writer and it shines in this important read.
My interview with Sarah.

  3. Preemptive Love: Pursuing Peace One Heart at a Time by Jeremy Courtney


They say that good stories happen to good writers. It also can’t hurt if you’ve transplanting your family to Iraq and started a non-profit that helps Iraqi children get life saving surgeries. And on top of that Jeremy Courtney is an excellent writer. This is not surprising, knowing Jeremy personally, I know that he does most things well.
Preemptive Love is Jeremy’s honest account of moving to Iraq with his family and finding out what it means to pursue peace. PL is half memoir and half adventure novel, and it’s all true. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is made into a movie someday, it’s got all the necessary components. You’ll be devastated when Jeremy relays the stories of others describing how Sedam Hussien used chemical weapons on his own people and the repercussions that are seen still today. You’ll also see the amazing hope being brought to people through the Preemptive Love Coalition Jeremy founded.
My interview with Jeremy.

2. Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright

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Yes, this came out in 2008, but I’m just getting to it now. I have to say – better late than never. The reason this book has been so popular is because it so thoroughly debunks some prevalent teachings that the church has been giving for years. Most of us were taught: When we die, we go to heaven, the end. But, as Wright so eloquently shows his reader “Heaven is a big deal, but it’s not the end of the world”. When you see the book, you may wonder why it takes so many pages to make his point, but I assure you, there is no waisted ink in this book. To the contrary, I don’t know how many times Wright says something like “unfortunately that requires more time that we have at the present to discuss” (maybe an idea for a fun drinking game at your next book club meeting?). Bottom Line: This is required reading for the serious believer!
I’m dying to get an interview with N.T. Wright, so if anyone has any connections, hook me up!

 1. The Naked Anabaptist: The Bare Essentials of a Radical Faith by Stuart Murray

thenakedanabaptistA book with a seemingly narrow niche target audience may seem like an odd pick for the #1 slot. I assure you, it’s not. Even if you don’t have the slightest Anabaptist orientation and aren’t interested at all in the conversation, this book has some things every Christian should take notice of. If for nothing else but the books discussion of Christendom ushered in by Constantine, and how it changed (many would say perverted) the idea of what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. The author Stuart Murray writes so that the story of Anabaptism and Jesus-following of the early church, gets across in an accessible and easy to understand way. I find this message so important that this book will be given to many of my family members this Christmas.
My interview with Stuart.

Now it’s your turn. What other books would be on your list this year?

List of Seminary Dropout Guests

After taking suggestions for Seminary Dropout guests in my previous post, it became apparent that there were some interviews that people would love to hear but simply didn’t know that had already been interviewed on the show. So I decided to make a list of Seminary Dropout guests.

In the future the easiest way to see an up to date list of guests/episodes is to go to iTunes, and while you’re there, be sure to subscribe and if you’re already a listener, a review would be much appreciated!

Also, one little tip, if you go to you’ll still be taken to this site, but only shown podcast episodes.

In chronological order…

1. Tony Kriz

2. Mary Demuth

3. Tony Campolo

4. Roger Olson

5. Katelyn Beaty

6. Shane Claiborne

7. Grace Biskie

8. JR Woodward

9.  Sam Myrick

10. Jeremy Courtney

11. Richard Foster

12. Derek Webb

13. Lacy Finn Borgo

14. Jonathan Martin

15. Rhett Smith

16. Jeff Goins

17. Jamie Wright

18. Matt Appling

19. Scot McKnight

20. Cliff Ravenscraft

21. Dave Fitch & Geoff Holsclaw

22. Philip Yancey

Seminary Dropout 019: Scot McKnight


Today I’m proud to have Scot McKnight with me on the podcast.

Scot is a recognized authority on the New Testament, early Christianity, and the historical Jesus. McKnight, author or editor of forty books, is the Professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lombard, IL.  Dr. McKnight has given interviews on radios across the nation, has appeared on television, and is regularly speaks at local churches, conferences, colleges, and seminaries in the USA and abroad. Dr. McKnight obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Nottingham (1986).

Scot sits down to talk about Jesus Is Lord Caesar Is Not, which he edited with Joseph B. Modica.


As the tagline infers, the book is an evaluation of Empire Criticism in the New Testament. For those unfamiliar with Empire Criticism as I was before reading the book, it can defined as an approach to New Testament studies whereby the New Testament’s message is seen primarily as a criticism of the Roman empire.

I loved every second of this interview with Scot, and was especially struck by this statement…

“There is politicization…. Young evangelicals have become progressives… Progressives today are socially active, believing that the way to make society better,  so for instance the aim is the common good, the aim is repairing the world, the aim is to be significant in the world and make the world a better place, the aim is socio political, and means is socio political, namely they see themselves as repairing the world  by becoming involved in social justice, that is a fundamental politicization of discipleship in the church and Christianity, in fact so politicized is it that many of these young progressive evangelical type Christians and non-evangelical type Christians have very little to do with the church… it’s a progressive posture in our culture on the part of Christians where they see their fundamental task to work for the common good by providing water, helping to end sex trafficking, etc., all of these things are good, but they are divorced from the church and they are anchored in the actions of politicians in Washington DC and Berlin and London, these become the central focus and when that happens we do exactly what happened when Gustavo Gutierrez was arguing  in the 1970’s and 80’s that the church has to be de-centralized, so what we have I think is a colossal politicization of the church in our world  today and it is impacting the church in ways that I think could be remarkable.”

Please go and hear this for yourself in the context of the entire interview! Then come back and tell me what you think about what Scot said.

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What the “Nones” & Christians Have In Common

1123793_thanksgivingEver since the Pew Research Center released their study, “Nones” on the Rise, blogs, TV, & radio (especially of the religious variety), have been in a sort of panic about this phenomenon of rising non-affiliation with a religious group.

Just hearing this fact would lead most to believe that Nones = atheism, and therefore atheism is on the rise. Atheism is on the rise. But not all Nones are atheists, in fact most aren’t.

A few weeks ago on Morning Addition, NPR did a series on the Nones. In typical NPR fashion they found individuals who fit the None profile and questioned them. One particular moment that caught my attention was when the Nones were asked if they prayed. You would think that the obvious answer would be -no. But not one of them said no. To be fair, no one said yes either, but when asked, they would describe some practice they had, in which they felt didn’t fit their exact definition of traditional prayer, but it was some sort of attempt at communing with their creator, which I would call -prayer.

Throughout the interviews it seemed clear that for these people the label of “Nones” had very little to do with their cancer belief in God and had more to do with their identifying with a man made institution, and truthfully, I get that. I myself find that more often that not I’m embarrassed by the actions of the religious institution in which I grew up. So I understand the desire to disassociate with an institution.

Shifting gears for a second, it’s interesting to note that among those still associating with Christianity, there is a sea of hurt and wounds that have been inflicted by church culture. For many the damage was inflicted during childhood and adolescence, some by the well meaning but mislead, some by the malicious and sick. Even as adults people are wounded in the church. Someone dares to have a minority political opinion and becomes ostracized. A hurtful rumor spreads. A divorce causes us to be an outcast.

My point here is; these Christians and the Nones have something in common. It seems that at some point they had some experience with God that they could not let go of. No matter how much ugliness and darkness surrounded the institution, somewhere in there they found a living God bigger than the institution, bigger than the ugliness and darkness that they knew they could not deny!


Huge Announcement & A Chance To Win Tony Kriz’s New Book

I’m officially announcing what has been the worst kept secret of my blog.

I’m launching a podcast!

In the podcast I interview different Christian leaders, theologians, authors, and thinkers. I already have a few interviews recorded and ready to go, and believe me, you’ll want to hear them. These are people whose books you’ve read, blogs you’ve scoured, and opinions you care about. 

Keep your eyes on this blog for info on the launch date and other details.

One author in particular that I interviewed just a few hours ago was Tony Kriz. Some of you may know Tony from Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, whom he referred to as “Tony the Beat Poet.” Tony just released a very insightful and personal book call Neighbors and Wise Men. I can’t wait for you to hear the interview, but until then you can win a copy of his book, the very copy that I read myself in preparation for the interview, full of dogged ears, and pen & highlighter marks.

To enter, just tweet: “Hey @beardonabike I want to read @tonykriz new book!”  Tweet exactly what’s in quotes to win. I’ll find everyone who tweets it and pick a winner at random and announce it on Monday’s blog post.