Seminary Dropout 003: Tony Campolo

In the 3rd installment of Seminary Dropout I interview a hero of mine – Tony Campolo. Listen to me babble through the intro while trying to tell Tony what his work has meant to me and then hear him eloquently talk about the election, current events, and most of all his new book “Red Letter Revolution,” that he wrote with Shane Claiborne, who will be on the show in the near future.

Remember to leave feedback. You can do that in the comment section of each episode or you can leave me a voice message by clicking the tab on the right allergy side of the page that says “Send Voicemail.”

It will take about 48 hours for the podcast to show up in iTunes, but once it does please do me a huge favor and give the show a 5 star rating if you like what you’re hearing. 5 star ratings will help the show be exposed to others.

From here on out you can expect the show to be released every other Monday. On weeks with no podcast there will be a blog post, so either way check in regularly for new content.

A Request For Your Input & An Update.

I just want to give an update on some things going on with the blog & podcast and then ask for your input.

My plan as of now is to launch the podcast on the 26th of this month. I’ve thought a lot (probably too much) about what the podcast should be called and I’ve settled on “Seminary Dropout.”

A new episode will be published every two weeks on Mondays. On weeks where there is no podcast episode, I’ll do a regular blog post. So every Monday there should either be a blog post or a podcast. There may also be some follow up posts in between.

I’m planning on launching the podcast by posting 3 episodes at once! As I’ve said before, each episode will be an interview with a Christian author, blogger, theologian, or leader. I want your help to decide what 3 episodes to publish first. Here are the episodes, I’ve either already recorded, or will record before the launch date:

Roger Olson

J.R. Woodward

Tony Kriz

Shane Claiborne

Mary Demuth

Tony Campolo

Tell me in the comment section which 3 episodes you want to hear first.