Seminary Dropout 52: James Bryan Smith, Author of The Apprentice Series.

JBSDallas Willard, Richard Foster are names you probably know, they’ve both been on the forefront on modern Christian spiritual development with books like ‘The Celebration of Discipline’ by Foster and ‘The Spirit of the Disciplines’ by Willard just to name a few. Well if you don’t know James Bryan Smith, you should, he and his works were heavily influenced by Willard & Foster. He’s written among other things a trilogy of books that are somewhat devotional in nature, called The Good & Beautiful God, The Good & Beautiful Life, & The Good and Beautiful Community. James is also a professor of Theology at Friends University in Witchita, Kansas, as well as the director of the Apprentice Institute.

Be sure to check out The Apprentice Institute!

The Apprentice Series:


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Seminary Dropout 011: Richard Foster

Seminary Dropout 43: David Leo Schultz, Director & Producer of ‘Ragamuffin’


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Seminary Dropout 51: Michael Gungor Talks Creation, Music, & Art.


You’ve probably known who Michael Gungor is for a long time. Maybe you first remember hearing him in The Michael Gungor  bands  song ‘White Man’ on the Ancient Skies album. Michaels music is constantly evolving and eventually he went from The Michael Gungor band to a collective simply known as Gungor. The band has released 5 albums so far. Gungor’s latest album is called ‘I am Mountain’, and a deluxe version just released this July. 



Michael joined me on Seminary Dropout to talk about that whole creation scandal, the changes in his music throughout the years, and how he’s playing catch up with the music he never listened to as a kid.





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Seminary Dropout 50: Margot Starbuck on God, Writing & Public Speaking

Margot Starbuck

Throughout the years Margot Starbuck has worn many hats, she’s been a chaplain to people with intellectual and physical disabilities, she painted and sold plungers, she’s swam next to a guy with epilepsy so he wouldn’t drown. I did say she wore many hats.
Today you probably know her from one or more of her many books, her contributions to publications like Today’s Christian Woman or Red Letter Christianity, or maybe you’ve heard her one of her many speaking engagements. Margot speaks about God’s love with fresh honesty, love and compassion.


Some memorable moments from the show:

I think a lot of us are walking around just slathered in shame. Tweet: 'I think a lot of us are walking around just slathered in shame' -Margot Starbuck

#AdultsDontThinkLittleKidsCanWalkBigDogsButTheyTotallyCanTweet: #AdultsDontThinkLittleKidsCanWalkBigDogsButTheyTotallyCan

Karate belts & ribbon cost money, words are free.Tweet: 'Karate belts & ribbon cost money, words are free.'

Margot’s latest book is Not Who I Imagined: Surprised by a Loving God.

From our earliest days we long for love and acceptance. First from our parents, blood pressure then from peers, and eventually from romantic interests. We look into their faces, searching for a smile, a look that says, I love you exactly as you are. Don’t change. We long for the same gracious acceptance from God. But despite the Christian gospel of unearned grace and unconditional love, too many of us feel as though we’re still not quite good enough as we are. We can’t believe that God accepts us. And often this is because those who represent God to us on earth–our parents, other Christians–have not looked upon us as we are with expressions of unrelenting love. -Publishers Description-

Remember our current twitter campaign:

Hey @JenHatmaker, I’d love to hear you on Seminary Dropout! #JenOnSDTweet: Hey @JenHatmaker, I'd love to hear you on Seminary Dropout! #JenOnSD

 Are you coming to the Seminary Dropout Google Hangout tonight (8/20/14) at 7pm CST?
RSVP or just show up here.


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Seminary Dropout 49: Michael Leary talking Mad Men & the Psalms

Michael Leary, is an Adjunct Instructor of Religious Studies at Fontbonne University as well as being a lecturer at Emmaus Bible College in Sydney, Australia, so naturally I have him here on the show to talk about AMC’s television show Mad Men.



Michael writes for the website Filmwell and recently wrote a few pieces on the biblical imagery in Mad Men. My friends know that I love Mad Men, and want nothing more but to constantly talk about Mad Men all day everyday, especially as it relates to the gospel and redemption. If your not a viewer of the show then I think there’s still something in the show for you, but be warned, there are spoilers in this episode.


I forgot to mention it in the podcast, but remember our current twitter campaign that we launched in last weeks episode. #JenOnSD

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Seminary Dropout 48: Author of ‘The Shack’, WM Paul Young

WM paul youngMy guest today is WM Paul Young. Paul grew up as the son a missionaries in what is now West Papua. There he experienced trauma at the hands of the indigenous people, as well as his own family. Paul grew up and worked various jobs, some in ministry, and some outside. Some point along the way he began keeping secrets from everyone around him including his wife and children. When his secrets came to light he was forced to deal with his hidden life, as well as the trauma he faced when he was younger.


The entire experience gave Paul unique lens through which to view the gospel. You may have heard the story – his wife eventually asked him to put into words who God was to him for his children, friends, and family. He wrote The Shack, and made 15 copies at an Office Depot. The copies eventually made their way into the hands of people who would be passionate about publishing it. Like I said, you may have heard that part already. What you haven’t heard is what we discuss on this episode on Seminary Dropout…


Remember the current twitter campaign: #JenOnSD

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Seminary Dropout 47: Carlos Whittaker, Musician, & Author of Moment Maker


My guest today is worship leader, and author Carlos Whittaker. Carlos has been the worship leader for Andy Stanley’s Buckhead Church in Atlanta and is on the leadership team for Catalyst, as well as leading worship at many of their events.




In Moment Maker, Carlos tells stories from his life, showing how he tries to live intentionally and claim moments that touch the lives of others, whether that be his family, his friends, his colleagues, or total strangers.



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Seminary Dropout 46: ‘Slow Church’ Authors Chris Smith & John Pattison

Chris-Smithjohn pattison
As it says on the back cover of ‘Slow Church’:

Chris Smith & John Pattison invite us out of franchise faith and back into the kingdom of God, where people know each other well and love one another as Christ loved the church.

Some things we discuss on the show…

  • the McDonaldization of the church and what it’s doing to us
  • some dangerous ramifications of the church growth movements
  • why efficiency in the church may not be a good thing




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Seminary Dropout 45: Kerry Weber, Author of ‘Mercy in the City’

kerry weberKerry Weber is a Mercy Associate and Managing Editor of America magazine. She is an alumna of the Mercy Volunteer Corps and of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She lives in New York City.

The Corporal Works of Mercy are 7 acts. Six come from Matthew 25:34-40 and the final one comes from the Book of Tobit.

1. To feed the hungry.
2. To give drink to the thirsty.
3. To clothe the naked.
4. To harbour the harbourless.
5. To visit the sick.
6. To visit the imprisoned.
7. To bury the dead.

Kerry had an apiphany when she realized she never did any of these things. Then, she set out to change that.


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Mercy In The City is Kerry’s real life tale of loving God by serving the homeless, meeting with those in prison, giving away clothing, and more. Oh yeah, and the entire time she also gave up sugar and alcohol!! It’s fun, honest, and most of all heartfelt.

Be sure to check out

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Seminary Dropout 44: Preston Sprinkle, Author of Fight: A Christian Case for Nonviolence

PrestonSprinklePreston Sprinkle is a New York Times bestselling coauthor, he also has a PhD in New Testament from Aberdeen University and currently teaches at Eternity Bible College, and will be moving to Boise, Idaho with his family to help EBC establish a new campus there.

You can find Preston online at

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Preston joins me to talk about his latest book Fight: A Christian Case for Non-Violence.Preston set out to see what the Bible had to say about violence, and what he found was shocking.

On the show we talk about…

-how the early church  felt about  war.
-what Jesus said about violence.
-some myths about violence in the Old Testament.
-some common objections from Christians about nonviolence.

Remember to take the Seminary Dropout Survey if you haven’t already.

Also remember that if you want to hear Michael Gungor on Seminary Dropout, then go tell him on twitter by tweeting ‘Hey  I’d love to hear you on  with .’ If you don’t have twitter you could go to the Gungor facebook page and say the same thing (dropping the twitter handles).

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Seminary Dropout 43: David Leo Schultz, Director & Producer of ‘Ragamuffin’


David Leo Schultz has had a little bit of experience in show business, even worked with heavy weights like Chevy Chase. Lucky for us David is also a fan of the music and life of Rich Mullins, so much so that he approached Dave Mullins (Rich’s brother) about making a movie about Rich’s life. David talks about that interesting first meeting with Dave, how he originally got shot down, but then was invited for a car ride. David later found out that unbeknownst to him the fate of the entire movie hinged on that car ride. The rest is history.

(affiliate link)

I won’t go into the movie too much in these show notes, I already wrote a review and plus, you need to hear all of the details from David himself in the podcast.

If you’re interested in the Ragamuffin Retreats we mentioned in the podcast, you can find out more info here.


I have a DVD of Ragamuffin that could be yours. To enter to win, go to Seminary Dropout in iTunes, subscribe & leave a review, then leave a comment below indicating if you did one or both of those things. You’ll be entered to win once or twice based on those factor. I’ll announce the winner in the next weeks episode.

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Like I said on the show, we’re trying something new. I’m enlisting your help in launching twitter campaigns to get the attention of some hard to reach people who would make great guests on Seminary Dropout. The first person is Michael Gungor. To help me book Michael tweet:
“Hey  I’d love to hear you on  with .”